busot que ver,
busot que hacer,


Climbing, caving, cultural tourism... Busot is the perfect destination for many types of visitors. Discover everything you can enjoy on your getaway!

Busot, halfway between the interior of Alicante and the Mediterranean Sea, is a charming town that is home to an enormous treasure, its famous Canelobre Caves. But also, thanks to its incredible cultural legacy and initiatives such as its Museum of Ethnic Music, it has become a destination that offers great stimuli to those who visit it. Prepare your route through Busot!

Busot: what to see

Cave lovers will enjoy the opportunity to explore, in the Cabeçó d'Or Mountain Range, a space full of stalactites and stalagmites with an area of about 80 000m², among which stands out the room known as "La Sagrada Familia" and an impressive stalagmite more than 100 000 years old and which gives its name to the whole, the "Canelobre" or candelabrum.

In the area around Busot you can go hiking and mountain biking, and there are even some via ferrata routes, perfect for those who are not very experienced. Some of the most interesting routes can take you to the Cabrafich Tower, or to the hill where Busot Castle is located. This building dates back to Arab times although much older remains have been found in the area.

After a good route, we recommend you visit the town centre and try the gachamiga or buy some of its most typical sweets, and don't miss the climb to Calvario Mount in the heart of its historic town centre! There you will find the hermitage of Sant Vicent and great views. You should also include the Pont de la Bassa washing place on your urban route.

As for the fiestas in Busot, you should not miss the opportunity to experience the Moors and Christians which are held after Easter, or the beautiful "Nit dels Ciris" or night of the candles which in July fills Busot with a very special light. Make a note of all these plans!

Oficinas de turismo:


Country houses
Tourist offices

Be inspired

The small municipality of Busot, in the Alicante province, shelters among its mountains one of the best-kept treasures of the entire Comunitat Valenciana: Cuevas del Canelobre.

Trip ideas
